August 9, 2010

2010 is the third year that John Kachik has designed and illustrated the Maryland Wine Festival poster, promoting the event held each September. (more)

August 6, 2010

Jon Reinfurt conjures up the Garden of Eden for Charlotte Magazine. The article was about a rather disturbing social networking website that helps married people cheat with other unfaithful spouses. (more)

August 6, 2010

When American lawyer magazine called asking for robots, Shaw Nielsen was super excited!  This illustration went along with an article about how law firms have cut their technology spending in the recession, much to their own detriment down the road. (more)

August 5, 2010

We spelled it out in our headline, but Steven Noble’s iconic custom woodcut illustration needs no words to be the perfect logo / web address for fresh seafood purveyors, (more)

August 5, 2010

Here's a recent illustration created by John W. Tomac for Barron's. The art ran with a story ranking the best (and worst) stock brokers over the previous 6 months, 1-year, 3-years and 5-years. In other words, which firms have done the best job picking winners. (more)

August 3, 2010

David Vogin's anthropomorphic spectacle, Circus Circus, is featured on, a visual language blog focused on graphic design, illustration, typography, art and photography. (more)

August 3, 2010

Jason Seiler is honored to be included in the new book, "Digital Art Masters Volume 5," a terrific resource for those interested in digital painting or for those who are interested in learning how different artists approach the medium. (more)

August 3, 2010

Chris Gash appears regularly in What's New... But wait, there's more!  Here, he brings us up to speed on a few more pieces he's done this past month.   (more)

August 3, 2010

The NY Times Science section boasts a number of ispotters this week.  Page one finds Stuart Bradford encouraging summer reading for children in the WELL Column: (more)

August 3, 2010

Yuta Onoda created this meditative, leafy image to work as a wraparound cover for a new Scholastic novel called, “Linger.”


Tags: Yuta Onoda, Book