December 11, 2012

Tom Richmond’s latest parody artwork for MAD Magazine is titled, “The Dork Knight Reprises.”  Here is a peek at the MADness, which appears in the current issue: (more)

December 11, 2012

John Kachik’s illustration for STYLE Magazine accompanies their "Food for Thought" feature, which poses the burning question: Is kale the new arugula? (more)

December 10, 2012

John Tomac’s illustration for the latest edition of OnEarth, the quarterly publication of the Natural Resource Defense Council, shows that in the future, your windows just might double as solar panels. (more)

December 10, 2012

Shaw Nielsen’s uplifting illustration, for the Harvard Public Health Review, accompanies an article reporting that even small amounts of daily exercise can drastically decrease the chances you’ll ever develop diabetes. (more)

December 10, 2012

Daniel Hertzberg created a quarter-page illustration for a review of "The Hour" on the BBC, for The New Yorker. The show is based on a BBC news program from the 1950s, so Daniel worked up a dramatic composition that included older TV cameras in the space. (more)

December 7, 2012

Alex Nabaum is one of twelve artists commissioned by Poetry magazine to create a Pegasus themed cover as part of a year-long celebration of their 100th anniversary in print.  Alex’s November issue is shown here. (more)

December 7, 2012

Mark Smith’s cover illustration for Johns Hopkins accompanies a story inspired by the recently renovated 19th century campus privy, looking back at the way things were and noting how little our fundamental behavior and concerns have changed. (more)

December 7, 2012

Tom Richmond shares a few recent spot illustrations of rocker Dave Navarro, created as the header graphic for his popular monthly Q & A column in Penthouse magazine. (more)

December 6, 2012

David Plunkert’s illustration for American Lawyer magazine accompanies the article, “Taking Stock: How Much is your Firm Worth?” (more)

December 6, 2012

Richard Borge illustrated “Beware Turnover Costs on Index Funds,” in Monday's Investing in Funds section of Wall Street Journal. (more)