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December 9, 2015

James Yamasaki’s latest editorial illustration for The Stranger depicts nerdy political types and young activists arguing heatedly, as readers look on, trying to make sense of it all as they decide how to vote. (more)

November 23, 2015

James Yamasaki’s illustration for Billboard Magazine accompanied an article about Robert Sillerman's failed bid to take SFX private. The stock tumbles, the company crumbles… can they get their act together away from the public eye? (more)

November 18, 2015

James Yamasaki’s illustration for The Stranger Halloween issue accompanied a funny, spooky mystery story based on an actual argument between neighbors.  (more)

November 9, 2015

James Yamasaki’s illustration for The Stranger accompanied an article about inequality in the high-cost Seattle area rental market.  (more)

October 29, 2015

James Yamasaki’s illustration for Billboard magazine accompanies an article about "no drone" clauses that promoters now include in artist performance contracts.  (more)

October 27, 2015

James Yamasaki’s classic horror movie illustration for The Stranger accompanied a story that is actually about being uncomfortable with your own identity.   (more)

October 22, 2015

James Yamasaki’s illustration for Entertainment Weekly speaks to the oversaturation of Batman themes everywhere: movies, TV, games, even Legos.  (more)

October 14, 2015

James Yamasaki’s busy, dizzy illustration for Billboard magazine accompanied an article about the branding oversaturation at the SXSW music festival in Austin. This year, big business is getting the message and pulling back. (more)