December 12, 2011

David Plunkert’s cover for the November issue of CFO Magazine sends a powerful message about human resources. (more)

December 12, 2011

Joyce Hesselberth has been working on a huge project for McGraw-Hill and is thrilled to be able to show the first part of it. The assignment consists of three children's books, plus teachers' guides to accompany each book. The total number of illustrations weighs in at a hefty 156 pages! (more)

December 12, 2011

Jeffrey Smith will have an exhibit in January 2012 at the Society of Illustrators, NY. On display in the Hall of Fame Dining Room will be his entire series of paintings, sketches and comps for, “Shadow Knights,” published by Simon & Schuster.


December 9, 2011

Cheryl Chalmers’ work is highlighted twice in this week's Ithaca Times. One piece features her painting "Lake Effect," while elsewhere in the paper, an article on "Buying Art For Someone Else" praises her "Far Above Cayuga's Waters" as being "brilliant, hallucinatory… Ithaca with a swirling Van Gogh starry night and snow-covered trees glowing with luminescent inner light." (more)

December 9, 2011

Curtis Parker’s series of images for Panera Breads was chosen to appear in the upcoming Society of Illustrators 54th Annual Exhibition. (more)

December 9, 2011

Jason Seiler turned this New York Observer cover around in just a day and a half.  With almost no reference for U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff, and only himself to model as the harassed attorney, Jason still managed to knock it out of the park. (more)

December 8, 2011

Elvis Swift’s elegant, script-inspired drawings translate beautifully into wall mounted wood sculpture. This one found a home in Silvio's Shoe Repair. (more)

December 8, 2011

Tom Richmond’s contribution to MAD Magazine’s year-end “20 Dumbest People, Events & Things” feature is Sheen Lantern, starring the great tiger-blooded one himself. (more)

December 8, 2011

Melinda Beck’s contribution to volume two of the Communal Table Cookbook series includes this pretty-in-pink spread for a floral salad recipe. (more)

December 7, 2011

Jason Seiler was thrilled to paint one of his favorite bands, The Black Keys, for Rolling Stone’s review column. (more)